Group Of Russian Aircraft Leaving Hmeymim airbase

The first group of aircraft has left ‎Hmeymim airbase for permanent location airfields in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Tu-154 is the “leader” of the group. The group also included Su-34 multidimensional bombers.

Long-range flights of the Russian aircraft from the Hmeymim airbase to permanent location airfields in the territory of Russia are performed in groups.

Each group has a “leader” (Tu-154 or Il-76), which transports engineering and technical personnel, and logistics items, and Russian warplanes of different types are following it.

The group follows the assigned route until it reaches the border of the Russian Federation. Having reached the borders, all the aircraft are to reach their airfield independently.

If it is necessary, the aircraft are conducting intermediate flight stops at military airfields for refueling and technical condition monitoring during the flight over territories of the Russian Federation.

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